While I was going through my answers for practice exam 2, I noticed that I did very poorly on passage 5.
After reading the passage, this is the main idea I (generally) thought of:
Author likes traditional artists of golden era, music is "witty", "sophisticated" and they improve w/ age as they know their stuff more.
Author does not like conceptual artists, they are "young" and "inexperienced" and they get worse w/ age.
Is this what the passage is about? I think a big part of the reason I did poorly on this passage might be me misunderstanding what the main idea even is.
For example, specifically for Question 27, I misunderstood the qs because I was under the impression that the author did not like conceptual artists and thus would WANT to subject them to education (making answer B incorrect under my thinking) but turns out the author thinks that it would be FOOLISH to subject them to education since then they wont really be conceptual artists anymore, making answer B correct.
I would appreciate some guidance on this passage and how to better make sure that I truly understand what the authors views are in future passages.